Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Dezember 20, 2009

Kategorie: Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten, Uncategorized
betti @ 3:18 am

Princess Tobi serves the world

Princess TobiTobi has been working at the reception since spring 2008. Time to provide you with some background information.

born in: Cottbus – the gate to the Spreewald

lives in Dresden since: 2003

speaks: German, English and some rudimentary Russian & Italian,

very intellectual: knows Latin, too

your specialist for: art and galleries in Dresden, gay and lesbian szene in Dresden

likes: painting, classical literature, fleamarkets and coffeeeeeeee!!

doesn’t like: dishonest people & bread

travel experiences: Italien (2001 &2003), Ungarn (2003), USA (2007 &2008/09), Finland (2008), Prague (2008), Talinn (2008)