Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Dezember 23, 2012

Happy Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho, we wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! 

Thank you for all the informative discussions about the world, for all the teas you made for us receptionists, for all the beers we drank with you after our shifts and the yummy food you cooked for us!

For all our guests, who will stay  in Lollis Hostel over the holidays we will prepare a nice Christmas dinner on the 24th!

You are cordially invited to snuggle with us!

Dezember 9, 2012

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten, Veranstaltungen — Schlagwörter: , ,
Lolli @ 8:41 pm

Christmas party on December 24th

As you may know, the „holy“ day for Christmas in Germany is December 24th.  Thats the day, when family comes together, when you give and get all the nice (or not so nice) presents.  Thats the day when Santa Claus is coming.

We usually have a nice crowd of people in the hostels, some Germans visitig family here, some exchange students on holidays, some travellers.  Guest come from all over the world, like USA, China, Germany, Russia, Georgia, Lebanon, Japan, Italy, South Korea already booked – and we still have a couple of beds open.

So, we will show you, how we celebrate.  But we leave all family staff with the families and we will have a nice Christmas dinner!  It will be some German food, and we will have some wine, mulled wine, beeres, tea or whatever you want.  Some friends will come by and say hello, so its supposed to be a great, warm, happy evening with our own family – the hostels family.

So, you are invited to take part of our hostel Christmas dinner on December 24th, around 19:00.  Come along, bring friends.  It doesn’t costs much, we will share the price for the food, which will be no more then 5 Euro.

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Santa Claus