About villains and villagers

Update: ♫ Monday Monday … ♫
Unfortunately we have to announce a new loss of one of our staff members. Cora died last week a terribly pained death. We reckon that she suffered a while before loosing her consciousness! We promise to keep looking for the cruel murder. Don’t worry for now we can stick to our usual opening times at the reception

After a little time out, the mysterious killer has stricken again. Not only we have to announce a new loss of one of our staff, we are also concerned about our interior. Should you spot any damage on our lockers, please feel free to see the reception. Please also consider any blood staines as part of the new wall design ;) You know: everything can be art! ;)


New crime scene has turned up! This time one of our housekeeping staff member got waterboarded!

I just wanted to refill our beer, when I stumbled upon a new crime scene
Not only we can keep your luggage in our storage. Obviously the murder had the same intentions for storing some goods.