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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

June 22, 2017

Filed under: activities, art and museums, events, news — Tags: ,
Juliane @ 4:37 pm

Schaubudensommer 6. July to 16. July 2017

the “Scheune”, a youth club first, now a cultural centre, exists since over 60 years in the Neustadt area

The International Festival for Theatre, Amusement and Music, the Schaubudensommer (Show Booth Summer Festival) starts on the 6. July 2017 again. Although the entrances seems a little high, it is definitely worth to visit this bizzarre, little anarchical and cute festival. The athmosphere feels like beeing on circus 120 years ago. The entrance ticket includes a free concert every day (see below), food stands and other arty events,clowns, donkeys and candyfloss. With the show- tickets you can visit plenty of different theatre shows of your choice inside the festival area (puppet theatre, music, …., see full programme here).


  • The entrance fee to the festival area is 3 €
  • tickets for all shows can only be bought at the box office
  • one show (20-30 minutes) costs 5 €
  • A Triple-Ticket costs 12 €
  • some of our fairground attractions cost less, please note the placards
    the programme can be bought for 2 €


  • from the 6th of July to the 16th of July 2017
  • The first shows start at 7:30 pm


  • on the yard of the “Scheune”
  • Alaunstrasse 36-40, 01099 Dresden
Festival-Bands Every night at midnight! 
Thursday, 06.07. // Kërkim | Klezmer / Folk (IT)
Friday, 07.07. // Paula & Karol | Folk (PL)
Saturday, 08.07. // The Pigs + White Wine | Folk / Country (AUS/D)
Sunday, 09.07. // Falakumbe | Cumbia (SWE)
Monday, 10.07. // Analog Bass Camp | Dub / Drum ‘n’ Bass (D)
Tuesday, 11.07. // Karikatura | World Beat (USA )
Wednesday, 12.07. // Velo de Oza | Global Beat (COL)
Thursday, 13.07. // Chapter 5 + Sons of Settlers | Indie Rock (D/ZA)
Friday, 14.07. // Mother Princess | Jazz/Elektronika (D)
Saturday, 15.07. // Django S | Brass/Ska (D)
Sunday, 16.07. // Yusuf Sahilli + Band | Folk/Pop (D/SYR)


Foto: Julia Raab, Schaubudensommer 2014




June 8, 2017

Filed under: activities, art and museums, events — Tags:
Juliane @ 1:09 am

Comic Fest on 10. June 2017

Visit the Comic Fest on the 10. June 2017 at Scheune (Alaunstrasse 36-40) from 10 am to 6 pm / see artists doing their work / buy their art / get in touch / street art / Reading Panels /   Comic Flea Market / FREE ENTRANCE!












Friday, 9. June 2017

20:00 Prokejttheater Dresden,
on Louisenstr. 47
READING PANELS I: “Als ich so alt war” – read by the author Katja Klengel and Adrian vom Baur, Matthias Lehmann and Nina Hoffmann

Saturday, 10. June 2017

10-15:00 Dresdner Comicladen,
on Bautzner Str. 30
11-18:00 around the SCHEUNE publisher stands, book-signing, catering
11-18:00 around the SCHEUNE Comic Flea Market
11-17:00 Kunsthaus Raskolnikow,
at Böhmische Straße 34
exhibition SCRIPTED REALITY from AnnaMateur and Matthias Lehmann – OPENING on 1. June 2017
11-17:00 WIR AG
at Martin-Luther-Platz
exhibition von Henrike Terheyden
15.30 SCHEUNE READING PANELS II: “Paula: Liebesbriefe des Schreckens” from Sandra Brandstätter, read by Katja Klengel and Adrian vom Baur
16.15 SCHEUNE READING PANELS III: “Die Reise”, read by the author Matthias Lehmann
18.30 Uhr SCHEUNE Gala: Exklusive “Didi und Stulle”-LIVE-Reading with FIL

June 2, 2017

Filed under: events, news, politics — Tags:
Juliane @ 10:07 am

BRN Festival 16. to 18. June 2017

The Bunte Republik Neustadt, short BRN (which is the biggest event for most of the Dresdeners of the year in town. It is also the biggest neighbour festival in the country) exists already since 1990.


the official BRN flag, Mickey Mouse symbolised freedom back in the 90’s for us Dresdeners

Short after the reunion of West and East Germany, the atmosphere was split: most of the young people were afraid of the new capitalistic system, they were unoriented. And so some guys came to the idea to organise a new republic, an area, which they bordered with white colour on the streets: the “Äussere Neustadt quarter” with an autonomic character. They established a new currency: the BRN Mark (which you can still buy as souvenir at the “Geldschneider” on “Alaunstrasse 29” … Jäkel, the owner is one of 20 existing coin-cutters in whole of Germany) and they elected a monarch and ministers as well.

Since then it is tradition to celebrate the foundation of the BRN every year with a big festival: self made food, rave- balconies, stages with a lot of different bands, samba drum sessions, DJ´s and partys on the streets, readings, theatre,… all made by locals and their children.

Aluna stage in “Alaunpark”


The festival became quite capitalistic and touristy over the last years, so if you decide to visit us and our beautiful neighbourhood, you should really watch out for the smaller streets, avoid the big beer stands and buy food and drinks at the (better) local stands and please: chill, enjoy and respect the locals and our neighbourhood!

“Paul van der Braach”, everybody knows everybody in the Neustadt: “Hello Paul!!” :D









House on Louisenstrasse corner Martin- Luther Strasse: the locals who live there are decorating all their balconies with a different theme every year: 2 years ago: “Computer- Robot House”




starts: on 16. June from around 4pm

ends: on 18. June until around 8pm

no parties and music between 1am and 1pm

entrance: completely free, all events

where: the whole “Äussere Neustadt” quarter

special: closed for all cars

article on wikipedia

current programme (the planning of the programme is not finished yet, more is coming soon)


June 1, 2017

Night of Science on 16. June 2017


The Long Night of Science – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, a night creating knowlege!

In Dresden you can spend half a night visiting universities, institutes, labs, and research institutions on Friday, June 16th 2017.

See how research works backstage! Wanna know the potential of Bitcoins? You want to know how to walk over water? Jumping on a trampoline made of glass? Wanna know “what holds the universe together at its innermost folds”? No problem!


what: lectures, exhibitions, courses, presentations, shopping, handicraft, snacks & drinks, interactive games, observing living things under the microscope and much more!!

details: programme

when: 16.06.2017 / from 6pm to 1am

where: allover the city like at “Hörsaalzentrum” (TU Dresden), Evangelische Hochschule (EHS), Fachhochschule Dresden, Fraunhofer- Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung (IFAM),Fraunhofer- Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme (IKTS), Fraunhofer- Institut für Organische Elektronik, Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechn,Fraunhofer- Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme (IPMS),Fraunhofer- Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme (IVI), Fraunhofer- Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik (IWS), Gläserne Manufaktur/ Volkswagen, Grünes Forum Pillnitz, Helmholtz- Zentrum, Hannah- Arendt- Institut, and much more!!

price: completely free, there are no entrance fees! Also public transportation is free, just make sure you have the ticket!

partners: Max Plank Institut, Fraunhofer Institute, Leibnitz Institute, Von Ardenne Institut, Berufsakademie Sachsen, Center For Advancing Electronics Dresden – CFAED, DFG-Forschungszentrum Für Regenerative Therapien Dresden (CRTD), and much more!

how to get from one science station to the next? You should use the FREE ticket for buses and streetcars, which you can find in the programme. Please cut it out or print it and show it if requested! Or easiliy download it for free!

is there an overview map? Look out for tram stations and locations with the different events here!

follow the Long Night of Science on Twitter!


subcultural flea market on 4. June 2017

Bring your old LP’s and clothes!

It doesn’t matter if it is a bad buy, an old tour poster, a Misfits patch or an old coffee mug with a lefty print.

It just has to do something with subculture!

The alternative centre “Chemiefabrik” will put up some beer benches for you and your treasures!

No reservation needed! No entrance fees! No stand costs!

Afterwards there will be a bit party at the club with DARTHXPEYDAR + DJ HOWLING ERIC.


location: Chemiefabrik on Petrikirchstrasse 5, 01097 Dresden (walkable from Lollis Homestay Hostel within 15 minutes)
start: 2pm
entrance: free