Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Juli 28, 2012

Kategorie: Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , ,
Lolli @ 7:43 pm

new USE-IT map 2012 out now

The new USE-IT map for Dresden finally arrived!  Its a completely revised map of Dresden with lots of useful info for the young traveller.  USE-IT stands for no-nonsense tourist info for young people. USE-IT guides, maps, and websites are made by young locals, are not commercial, free, and up-to-date.  Every guest will get one, its free.

To download the map, just click on the picture:

Cover of the USE-IT map 2012

To view it online and to see other USE-It maps, check

Mai 21, 2011

Why does everybody here try to make everything better?