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Easy to find - directions
From the main train station (Hauptbahnhof)
Catch tram No. 7, direction "Weixdorf", as far as the stop "Bischofsweg". Turn right onto Bischofsweg and continue along for about 400m. Take the third street to the right, you will find us after 100m.
time approx. 20 min: 5 min walk – 500m walk
Watch our Arrival Video here and follow the sheep!
From the airport
The easiest way is to catch a train from the airport to the Neustadt Railway Station and then follow the steps shown from there. Time approx. 60 minutes.
You can also catch bus No. 77, and change to tram No. 7 at the stop "Infineon Nord". Leave tram No. 7 at the stop, "Bischofsweg", turn left onto Bischofsweg and continue along for approx. 400m. Take the third street (Görlitzer Strasse) to the right, you will find us after 100 m.
time 30 – 40 min: 5 min to walk – 500m walk
From the Neustadt train station
Leave the station through the main exit. Go straight ahead on to "Antonstrasse" and continue along past the square, called "Albertplatz". Keep on walking straight, the street is now called "Bautzner Strasse". Turn left at the next crossing, onto "Rothenburger Strasse". After 500m the street changes its name to "Görlitzer Stasse". We are at the next crossing to the right.
time 15-20 min, approx. 1500m to walk
If you don't want to walk, take tram No. 11, direction "Bühlau", or No. 6, direction "Niedersedlitz", for just two stops to "Bautzner/Rothenburger Strasse" tram-stop. Here you change to tram No. 13 direction "Mickten" and once again travel just two stops as far as the tram-stop "Alaunplatz". Now you just have to walk back along the tram-line for 100m.
time approx. 15 min: 1 min to walk – 100m walk
By car
Attention! There are hardly any parking spaces and many one way streets.
Leave the highway at the exit "Hellerau" and drive along the main road to the town center. Turn left at McDonalds on to "Fritz-Reuter-Strasse", pass underneath some railway bridges, cross the next big intersection. The street is now called "Bischofsweg". On your left hand side is a big green square. At the end of it turn right on to "Kamenzer Strasse" and turn right again into the next street, called "Sebnitzer Strasse". Our entrance is about 200m ahead on your left hand side, just before the next intersection.
You can drop off your luggage with us here. Afterwards, just find an available and legal place to park in the neighborhood. This can be especially difficult in the evening, but it usually works out okay. We recommend that you don’t overlook the pay-and-display ticket machines! Parking is checked. You can get change from us. Monday to Saturday the following rates apply: Parking duration 1 hour 2.40 euros, daily rate 12.00 euros. On Sundays and public holidays the following rates apply: Parking duration 1 hour 1,50 Euro, daily rate 6,00 Euro. As an alternative there’s a parking garage on the Kamenzer Strasse 26 right around the corner. Every hour started costs 1 Euro.
Click here for general info about the location.
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