Hostel in Dresden
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Fresh New Redesign

We worked hard during the low season on a complete redesign of our whole common area. We are delighted to share some impressions of the results with you now.

As the high season starts now, and our Hostel fills with backpackers from all over the world, it is time to let you know about the recent changes we have made during the wintertime. We have redesigned our common area, the reception desk, and our kitchen. It took us a while to finally finish all of the work that we had, but it is now ready to be presented to you!

The common room:

From early January through March Hillel Eflal, a fantastic artist who travels all over Europe via his bicycle stayed with us. Day per day, he developed a stunning piece of art in our Lounge; it is a painting that covers the room, inspired by the rock formations of Saxon Switzerland. Watching the creative process of his artwork was something very special, as it transformed constantly into something new. In the end, it became a painting that is panoramic- you get the impression that you are a part of the piece. It was such an exciting time for all of us, which was heightened by the fact that Hillel was also a great cook, and prepared delicious Free Dinners for us and our guests. Here are some examples of his work:

The reception area:

The next step was to redesign our reception area. The main focus here was to brighten the room, and to create more structure with a main focus on informations about Dresden, travelling around Dresden, as well as travelling further abroad. Who could have done this better than Jule? She worked very hard with the help of Max, our incredibly skilled housekeeper. Both had the best ideas to finally turn the room into a great source of information with enough space for many people, and a generally bright and relaxing atmosphere. Here are some pictures for you:

The Chill-Out platform:

Another very important project was to revise our Chill-Out platform, and give it a nice and relaxing new look. See how Max realised his ideas:

Our Guest kitchen:

Last but not least, we took care of our kitchen. We painted the walls in a brighter tone, set up new lights here and there, built a new shelf to create more space for the food boxes for our guests, and also redesigned the platform where you now can relax in some cozy armchairs; there, you can even find some cool games and books. Have a look :)

All pictures have been taken by Jule. We will continue to share them, and even more through Instagram and facebook. Stay tuned!!

Your Lollis Homestay team.

01.06.2018, 10:35 @ g.martin
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