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Home Is Where The Hostel Is

An update on the current state of Lolli’s Hostel and tourism in Dresden in the weird times of the Corona Crisis. Our volunteer Kyle, who actully lives in the Hostel right now shares his impressions of the present state with us.

Things have slowed down a bit here at Lolli’s Hostel, as have most places around the world. The state of Saxony has been imposing increasingly more strict guidelines on businesses, tourist attractions, and general public life as the threat of the coronavirus looms over Germany and the rest of the world.

Lolli’s has been much quieter than usual as tourists abruptly stopped traveling through the historic city of Dresden. It is not just an issue at Lolli’s however...most things in Dresden have all but come to a standstill due to this global viral threat.

Everyone at the hostel knew that further restrictions would be imposed on some of the last few nights of normalcy in Dresden. When Germany closed its borders, many people had subsequently gotten stuck in Germany due to travel restrictions so the hostel was actually quite full the weekend before the strict social distancing guidelines were put into effect. Many of the people staying at the hostel decided on a solution to deal with the situation on one of the last nights before the travel restrictions…enjoy a mulled wine night at Lolli’s!

Though things are quiet now at the hostel, Lolli’s is still hosting foreigners having issues getting back to their own countries or people who have decided to stay in Dresden to wait out the worst of this crisis. Intermittently there are also travelers coming to Dresden for specified things with their work, school, and also Germans who were initially having issues returning to their home country. Though these are tough and strange times, we’re making the best of it here at Lolli’s!

In these difficult times, we must remember that the best thing we can do is work together and keep in mind the effects our actions have on each other and our communities. This crisis is a rather strange and novel experience for many people around the world, and we wish the best to all of our readers and their friends and families. We hope too that once this crisis settles down that you visit the beautiful city of Dresden and join the Lolli’s family!

Thanks for reading!

31.03.2020, 15:54 @ Kyle
Categories: Dresden · hostel news · news · our guests · politics · travel // Tags: Tourism in Dresden during Corona · present state · stayatlollis