Even if all of Dresden's christmas markets are very different from each other and also very worth a visit, there is only one and true christmas market, to which everybody wants to go: The Striezelmarkt on the Old Market Square. The Striezelmarkt takes place since 1434 always during the advent season and therefore it is one of the oldest christmas markets in the whole world and the oldest christmas market in Germany.

The largest christmas stepped pyramid in the world on the still closed Striezel Market with over 230 booths (source: Pixabay)
During the last years Dresden transfomed into a real Christmas Winterwonderland. This City has so many Christmas Markets that it is hard to find the traditional Christmas Market, the one that every tourist wants to visit. If you would walk from the Main Train Station directly to Lollis Homestay Hostel (walk straight to the north, you reach us in about 50 minutes), you would already cross at least 5 different christmas markets (like the Historical Christmas Market Anno 1900, the Medieval Christmas Market inside the old stables of the castle, the International Christmas Market in the Neustadt Quarter (New Town), the Neustädter Gelichter Christmas Market at the Scheune (also in the Neustadt) ...but there are much more in Dresden and its surroundings). If you would drink a Mulled Wine ("Glühwein"- our traditional christmas beverage) on each of those Christmas Markets you would get: drink, drank, drunk! Ho ho ho!
Even if every one of these christmas markets are very different from each other and also very worth a visit, there is only one and true christmas market, to which everybody wants to go: The Striezelmarkt on the Old Market Square. The Striezelmarkt takes place since 1434 always during the advent season and so it is one of the oldest christmas markets in the whole world and the oldest christmas market in Germany. In 1434 the market was hold only for one day: every Dresdener was able to purchase meat there (so it startet "not–very–christmas–like" as a meat market). The first year was so succesful, that it became bigger and bigger with every year and also more booths with different supplies joined.

The famous Christmas Market "Striezelmarkt Dresden" at night (source: pixabay)
On Fridays and Saturdays during the month December the city is booked out usually, so we recommend to visit the markets during Sundays or other week days. The good thing which comes in handy is that your stay will be cheaper then usual (also due to low season). Another advantage is that the market is not so crowded and you can enjoy the christmas feeling much more!
The Striezelmarkt got its name from the traditional Stollen pastry, the world-famous Dresden Striezel. A highlight is thus also the march of the 4 ton heavy Striezel (or also Stollen) on 8.12.2018, which may be pulled from the Zwinger over the Semperoper (opera), the Hofkirche and Frauenkirche (Church of our Lady) up to the Altmarkt (Old Market Square) and can then also be tasted or purchased. The Striezelmarkt also has other superlatives to offer, such as the world's largest stepped pyramid (42 figures at a height of 14.6 m). For huge christmas fans there is also the Christmas bakery and the fairytale forest.
If you want to escape the hustle and bustle or take a great souvenir photo, we recommend the ascent to the neighbouring Kreuzkirche (Church of the Holy Cross), which has stood next to the Altmarkt since the 12th century (today you can see a new building from 1792). On the 92 meter high tower with its 54 meter high visitors platform, one has a fantastic view (also on some other Christmas markets in Dresden).
If you wanna call yourself a Striezel Market Specialist you have to get a "Pflaumentoffel" for yourself or your beloved (a little cute figure made out of dried plums. It looks like a chimney sweeper). For me as a local this is a must do during christmas time!
There are more known and local souvenirs like the Herrenhuter Stern (a colourful star which works as a lamp and brightens your dark winter nights, you can mostly purchase it in Red, Yellow and White and you hang them mostly into windows), handicrafts from the Erzgebirge – little figures made from wood like little angels or "Räuchermänner" (incense smoker) or Lace from Plauen (Plauener Spitze).
Striezelmarkt opening times
Daily 10:00 to 21:00
Opening: 28. November 2018 – 16:00 to 21:00
Star Hours/long Striezel Night: 15. December 10:00 to 23:00.
Last Opening Day on 24. December 2018 from 10:00 to 14:00
Special Striezelmarkt Events
- Santa Claus (we call him "Weihnachtsmann" – "Christmas Man" in Germany) opens a advent calendar window every day on the main stage at 16:15. This is a very important tradition, even for some adults, to shorten the waiting time during cold and dark days until Christmas Eve on the 24th of December (there is also a post box where you can put your wish list for Christmas. If you do not write or draw a wish list, you will not get any presents- German tradition – better follow it or you will just get a potato!!!).
- 30. November at 18:00 "Gospel Night"
- 1. December at 14:30 "Adventscalendar Fest"
- 2. December at 13:00 "Ginger Bread Fest"
- 7. December at 18:00 "Trombone Night"
- 8. December at 10:30 "Stollen Fest"
- 9. December at 13:00 "Pflaumentoffel Fest"
- 15. December at 13:00 "Pyramids Fest"
- 16. December at 13:00 "Light Arch Fest"
- 23. December at 10:00 "Church of the Holy Cross Day"
opening times in the Kreuzkirche (Church of the Holy Cross)
Monday – Friday 10:00 – 18:00
Sonnabend 10:00 – 15:00
Sonntag 12:00 –18:00
Last acces half an hour before closing time.
entrance fees Tower Kreuzkirche (Church of the Holy Cross)
adults: 4 Euro
students: 2,50 Euro
children 6 to 14 years: 1,50 Euro
Familys with children under 14 years: 8 Euro
group ticket (minimum 10 adults): 3 Euro
Citycard: 1,50 Euro
21.11.2018, 18:30 @ jule
Categories: Dresden · activities · things to do · tips // Tags: the oldest christmas market in Germany · one of the oldest christmas markets in the world · the Striezelmarkt in Dresden · laternative christmas markets in Dresden · traditions in Dresden · German christmas traditions · what to do during winter time in Dresden · what to do during winter time in Germany · traditional christmas bakery in Germany · Striezel or Stollen in Germany · special events in Dresden · nice view points in Dresden · good photo spots in Dresden · Kreuzkirche in Dresden · Church of the Holy Cross · Gospel Night in Dresden · concerts in Dresden · the world largest pyramid · how to celebrate christmas in Germany · Mulled Wine in Germany · Plauener Spitze · christmas handicrafts from the Erzgebirge · Herrenhuter Stars