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Budget prices
Book direct! You will definetely get the cheapest price here on this website. Guaranteed!
Many of the other booking websites (Booking, Hostelworld, Expedia etc.) take a commission of 10-15%. So we have to add this commission on top of the normal price, that's why its usually more expensive there. Booking via other platforms comes with strict rules and cancellation policies which we must adhere to. We cannot help you with changes or cancellations as it needs to be done via the online booking platform. If you book direct, we can offer more flexibility and ease of cancelling or amending bookings. It is worth it to book directly here on this webpage.
Our prices are flexible and seasonal. Please check here the price for your stay.
Discounts in 2024/2025
Lodging tax
- The city of Dresden requires from your guests an accommodation tax in the amount of 6% of the accommodation costs. This is not yet included in the price information, as guests under 18 years, trainees under 27 years with proof of the educational institution, as well as severely disabled persons and their companions are exempt from this tax. More info:
- info sheet as PDF, info page of the city of Dresden and download exemption claims (only in German :-( )
- breakfast 9.50 €
- towels small: 2.00 € | big: 3.00 €